Milissa Shultz LMT

About Cuddle Therapy Massage

Cuddle therapy massage by Milissa Shultz  is a specialized trauma informed healing touch modality for people experiencing touch deprivation for any number of reasons, or who are managing traumas that make it difficult to receive or give touch. 
The experience of safe platonic touch can soothe the nervous system and bring about the production of stress relieving chemicals in the body.
 It is performed fully clothed and is 100% platonic in nature.  Milissa has a strong motherly instinct, intuitiveness, empathy and many years of experience and brings these valuable skills to her sessions. 
 Cuddle therapy massage is NOT a substitute for psychotherapy or medical care, however , it can be a helpful adjunct to the care you are receiving.  
 Cuddle therapy massage is for anyone who wants more caring, nurturing touch in their life,  but can be especially helpful for those experiencing the following.

-surviving  assault or neglect  and wanting to slowly, safely and consensually build a tolerance for touch
- receiving extended or intense medical care (non-nuturing touch)
-managing combat ptsd
- accident or physical injury
-feeling lonely 
-depression or anxiety
- sensory issues which present with needing broad pressure on the body
- disability or condition which is contraindicated for traditional massage, but touch is still needed
-feeling touch deprived
-extensive care giving to others

If you have questions about this modality please reach out 


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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